Tuesday, August 5, 2008

i coutinue......

in my 6th standard my scool conducted a small science exhibition..... which i was not at all interested... some how i was escaping from teachers.... but one fine day my head master caught me..... i was kneeling down in hot sun and he came to me and started advising me........ as usual mid way throu the advise i got a nice strong slap...... ....."this wat u were doing without listening me ??" he went angrily......

(i was watching an aeroplane up above the sky).......this incident brought me the spark in my life .... my goal ...my aim.... my every thing...... (ya aeronautical....)

then i seriously started off with doing an aero model made off card board...... i finished it in 2 days....... my head master saw my proj an he smiled at me and he said tapping my checks saying "IT REALLY WORKED AND HAS A GOOD EFFECT"....... i was too much inclined towards aeronautical and learnt a lot....... and i got much more interested when i came to know there will be airhostress in a passenger flight.......

it was during my 11th standard my school organised a national level science exhibition and the dates were fixed during the mid way of my 12th...... so they told us to finish our projects in the summer holidays....... it was 13 of us who really rocked the papers for those 3 days of our science exhibition......

guess wat !!!!! we did a real flying model which s remote controlled. our project estimate was around 1.5 lakhs ...... when we ppl said this in our homes literally we were flying out of our compunds..... one severe slap and one sentence "sit and prepare for board exam or no food"... my god it was not easy to convience our parents..... but finally we did they project and we had more then 20000 people to see us fly a craft..... i ll tell a separate story "THW MAKING OF JATAYU".....

by know u should have guessed me, my charater and my life style....... this is the START of my "LIFE"...........


Anonymous said...

Machan, whether makin jatayu was ambitious or not, u writin a blog for that certainly is!! Whoohoo!!

Matangi Mawley said...

Tare zameen par "effect"u..

neat blog..